Kategorija: Književnost
Pogodaka: 4479


RECENZIJA (Slovenački)
Avtorica pesmi v svoji zbirki razgalja svoja najbolj skrita čutenja in hrepenenja, nekatera nedoživeta, druga izživeta.  V pesmih opisuje svoje življenje, vse o čemer je sanjarila, kaj je doživljala, kaj želela …. , kaj le slutila. Njene pesmi so odraz dogajanja, ki je v njej dolgo, še predolgo tlelo in si želelo na plan. So izliv njenega najglobljega hrepenenja, čutenja in doživljanja.

Plast za plastjo odstira tančice svoje najbolj skrite in čutne intime. Skozi lirično pripoved slika vse tisto lepo, kar je doživljala, tisto kar si je želela, kar je dajala in prejemala. Opisuje doživljanje lastnega Univerzuma, skozi prostor in čas in ga brez obžalovanja daruje bralcu. (Metka Zoya OBRUL)

Autorica pesama u svojoj zbirci razotkriva svoje najviše skrivene osećaje i žudnje, od kojih su neki još nedoživljeni, a drugi iživljeni. U pesmama opisuje svoj život, sve ono o čemu je sanjala, šta je doživljavala, šta je želela, naslućivala. Njene su pesme odsjaj događanja, koja su dugo, čak predugo tinjala i žudila, da provru iz nje, pa su zbog toga izliv njene najdublje čežnje, osećanja i doživljavanja. Sloj po sloj otkriva velove svoje najsakrivenije i čulne intime. Kroz liričnu pripovest slika sve ono lepo što je doživljavala, ono šta je želela, davala i primala. Opisuje doživljavanja sopstvenog univerzuma kroz vreme i prostor i dariva ga čitaocu bez kajanja. Metka Zoya OBRUL (Sa slovenačkog preveo Radovan B. MILIĆ)

In her poetry collection, the author reveals her most hidden feelings and longings, which in some cases are still not experienced, and the others are lived through. In her poems, she describes her life, all that she dreamed about, experienced, longed for, felt a presentment of. Her poems are a reflection of events that, for a long time, maybe even too long, have smoldered and longed to boil out, and that's why they are the outpouring of her most secret longing, feelings and experiences. Layer by layer, she reveals the veils of her most secret and sensual intimacy. Through her lyric narrative, she paints all the good she has experienced, the things she wanted, gave and received. She describes the adventures of her own universe through time and space and presents it to the reader with no regret.
Metka Zoya OBRUL (Prevod sa srpskog Miljana VOROTOVIĆ)

Dragica Jović Perduv rođena je u malom Tičevu kod herojskog Drvara u Bosni i Hercegovini - SFRJ. Odrasla je u Vojvodini, u Bačkom Jarku kod Novog Sada. Mlada se udaje i odlazi u Australiju 1970. godine. Od te godine živi u Melburnu i posvećena je porodici. Uz svoju decu, i sa decom, je godinama bila viđena u jugoslovenskim klubovima i dopunskim školama. Vrlo aktivna, svojim bespoštednim radom i angažovanjem je doprinosila  da njena deca, a i ostala omladina ne zaborave domovinu i svoje poreklo. Ponosna na svoje potomke i ostale migrantske mlade naraštaje sa Balkana, uspela je da svi oni, pored Engleskog, tečno govore i razumeju sopstveni maternji jezik. Dragica je kao i mnoge druge majke doprinela spašavanju našeg potomstva od potpune asimilacije. U ondašnjem Jugoslovenskom društvu »Melburn« u kome su i Dragičini sinovi bili aktivni članovi folklorne grupe, dodeljena joj je laskava titula »Majka godine«. Nesebičnim požrtvovanjem, svojim rukama je šila narodnu nošnju za folkloriste, a neretko ih je svojim autom i o svom trošku vozila na nastupe u druga mesta, udaljena od Melburna i po nekoliko stotina  kilometara. Uvek je bila tu da im priskoči u pomoć kada im je pomoć zaista i trebala, jer su i tada kao i danas, kulturna iseljenička društva bila veoma skromno ili skoro nikako finansirana od strane matične zemlje. U detinjstvu je posedovala višestruke talente. Aktivno se bavila baletom i  folklorom, bila je uspešna rukometašica vojvođanske lige, redovno je učestvovala na sletovima povodom praznika mladosti dvadeset petog  maja, a u tom duhu je vaspitavala i svoju decu. Tako je svog sina 1986. godine, u njegovoj nepunoj šesnaestoj godini, poslala na radnu akciju »Đerdap«, kako bi osetio i doživeo smisao zajedništva i nadahnutog udarništva u uzgradnji sopstvene domovine iz koje mu potiču koreni, dok joj je drugi sin bio zapažen ulogama u filmovima Želimira Žilnika, posebno u filmu Druga generacija. Njena deca su danas odrasli ljudi, roditelji su, i uspešni u svojim strukama. Jedan je pronašao sebe u poslu sa mermerom, a drugi je u državnoj službi na odgovornom i specifičnom poslu upravo zbog odličnog poznavanja jezika i narečja Balkana. Cenjena i poštovana u srpskoj zajednici Australije, Dragica Jović Perduv je nagrađivana više puta.  Njenoj patriotskoj poeziji stručna komisija je dodelila treću nagradu za pesmu Hoću kući! Vrlo često je bila u društvu i izuzetno je cenjena od strane poznatih ličnosti iz sveta politike, muzike, filma i književnosti. Njeni prijatelji su bili prvi konzul SFRJ u Australiji, književnik Brana Crnčević, Enco Lasić muzički stvaraoc, kao i Milan Babić, Branka Šćepanović, Vanja Stojković, članovi grupe Duo DD, ali i legendarna pesnikinja Desanka Maksimović koja je Dragici Jović Perduv uručila posebno specijalno priznanje. Vrlo teško je podnela  krvavi raspad Jugoslavije, pa je nakon toga odlučila da se povuče iz aktivnog života jugoslovenskih klubova, objašnjavajući svoju odluku rečima: »Više ne  pripadam nikome, za mene je sve porušeno!« Uprkos ličnoj odluci, ostala je verna poeziji u iseljeništvu. Dragica Jović Perduv nije prestala pomagati nevoljnicima. Kad god joj se ukaže prilika i kad oseti potrebu da ljudi trebaju njenu pomoć, ona je tu da im pomogne, a posebno »stradalnicima« u Srbiji. Čest je gost Balkana, a novonastale države po raspadu Jugoslavije su i dan danas njena kuća. Vezana je za rodbinu i prijatelje, ali i njoj najdražu osobu, njenu prvu učiteljicu koja joj je pokazala smernice i uputila u smisao života. Čest je gost u srpskim gradskim bibliotekama, i ne propušta priliku da svoje kofere napuni književnim novitetima koje odnosi sa sobom na Peti kontinent.

Dragica JOVIĆ PERDUV sa učiteljicom Leposavom Lepom ČUPIĆ

Dragica Jović Perduv was born in a small locality of Tičevo near heroic town of Drvar in Bosnia and Herzegovina - SFRY. She grew up in Vojvodina, in Bački Jarak near Novi Sad. She married young and moved to Australia in 1970. From that year on, she lived in Melbourne, devoted to her family. For a number of years, she was active in Yugoslav clubs and supplementary schools, along with her children. Through her selfless work and engagement, she had an important role in preventing her children and the rest of the youth to forget their fatherland and ancestry. Proud of her descendants and the young migrant generation from the Balkans, she takes the credit for their fluent speaking and understanding of mother tongue, in addition to English language. As many other mothers, Dragica contributed to preventing the complete assimilation of our descendants. In quondamYugoslav association »Melbourne«, where Dragica's sons were active members of a folklore group, she was awarded a flattering title for the »Mother of the Year«. An example of her selfless sacrifice - she sowed, by her own hands, national costumes for folklore dancers, and often took them by her own car and at her own expense, to the appearances in different cities, some of them being few hundred kilometres away from Melbourne. She was always there to help when they needed it, for back then, and as is now, cultural emigrant associations are very modestly or almost not at all financed by their parent state. She had multiple talents as a child. She actively practiced ballet and folklore, was a successful handball player in Vojvodina league, regularly participated in all the »slet« manifestations on the occasion of Youth holiday May the 25th, and that's also the spirit in which she raised her children. In 1986, she sent her fifteen year old son to Youth work action »Djerdap«, in order for him to feel and experience the sense of togetherness and inspired work in the building of his own homeland where his roots are, while her other son had praised roles in Želimir Žilnik films, particularly in the film »The Second Generation«. Today, her sons are grown men and parents, successful in their professions. One has found himself in marble business, and the other works for the government, on a responsible and specific position thanks to his excellent knowledge of Balkan languages and dialects. Very respected in Serbian community in Australia, Dragica Jović Perduv has won many awards. Expert commission has awarded her an award for her patriotic poetry, for the poem »I want to go home!« She was very often seen in the company of famous people from the world of politics, music, film and literature who all think very highly of her. Among her friends were the first consul of SFRY in Australia, author Brana Crnčević, musical producer and composer Enco Lesić, and also Milan Babić, Branka Šćepanović, Vanja Stojković, the members of the group Duo DD, but also the legendary poetess Desanka Maksimović, who handed Dragica Jović Perduv with a special award. The bloody disintegration of Yugoslavia was a heavy blow for her, and she decided to withdraw from active life in Yugoslav club after it, explaining her decision with following words: »I don't belong to anyone any more, everything is ruined for me!« Despite that personal decision, she remained devoted to the poetry in emigration. Dragica Jović Perduv never stopped helping the ones in need. Whenever the occasion comes along and when she feels someone needs her help, she is there to help them, particularly »sufferers« in Serbia. She often visits Balkans, and all the countries created after the disintegration of Yugoslavia are today her home. She is very attached to her relatives and friends, but also to her dearest person, her first teacher who gave her guidelines and explained the meaning of life. She is a frequent guest at Serbian city libraries, and she never misses an opportunity to load up her suitcases with literary novelties which she carries back to the Fifth continent.
